::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :: Download script to get newest MSG OS Tools :: This script goes to the web server and downloads :: the current tools to be installed. :: Version 1.0.0 :: Author: CUpton ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: @echo off setlocal color f ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :: Variables ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :: Path to wget and files Set FilesPath=%temp%\MSGMenu Set FilesURL=http://rtihardware.homelinux.com/ostools/windows/ Set BackupURL="http://rtihardware.homelinux.com/ostools/windows/TelefloraBackupInstall.exe" Set HardScriptURL="http://rtihardware.homelinux.com/ostools/windows/TelefloraHardeningScriptInstall.exe" Set TFTermURL="http://rtihardware.homelinux.com/ostools/windows/TelefloraTerminalInstall.exe" :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :: For Testing - Chad :: :GetNewestFiles :: "%FilesPath%\bin\wget.exe" -t 45 -o %FilesPath%\download.log -r -l1 --no-parent -A.exe http://rtihardware.homelinux.com/ostools/windows/ & ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :: Start Script ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :DeleteOld :: We are going to delete any existing files and always download the newest. Del /Q "%FilesPath%\*.exe" :MainMenu cls Echo. Echo. Echo Managed Services Utilities Menu Echo. Echo. Echo Please select one of the options below: Echo. Echo 1 = To Install Backup Software Echo 2 = To Install Hardening Script Echo 3 = To Install TF Terminal REM Echo 4 = To Install ODBC Client Echo. Echo 9 = To Quit Echo. :Reply Echo Please type the option you wish to run and press Enter. Set /P Option= If "%Option%"=="1" GoTo InstallBackup If "%Option%"=="2" GoTo InstallHardScript If "%Option%"=="3" GoTo InstallTFTerm REM If "%Option%"=="4" GoTo InstallODBC If "%Option%"=="9" GoTo Quit If "%Option%"=="" GoTo MainMenu GoTo MainMenu :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :InstallBackup :: Reset Option to NUL in case of running it multiples times Set Option= cls Echo. Echo. Echo Downloading Backup Software. Please Wait . . . :: Download the file from the web server Echo. "%FilesPath%\bin\wget.exe" -t 45 --progress=bar:force -nc %BackupURL% & Echo. Echo Installing . . . :: Run it once downloaded "%FilesPath%\TelefloraBackupInstall.exe" /S Echo. Echo Done. Echo. PAUSE GoTo MainMenu :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :InstallHardScript :: Reset Option to NUL in case of running it multiples times Set Option= cls Echo. Echo. Echo Downloading Hardening Script. Please Wait . . . :: Download the file from the web server Echo. "%FilesPath%\bin\wget.exe" -t 45 --progress=bar:force -nc %HardScriptURL% & Echo. Echo Installing . . . :: Run it once downloaded "%FilesPath%\TelefloraHardeningScriptInstall.exe" /S Echo. Echo Done. Echo. PAUSE GoTo MainMenu :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :InstallTFTerm :: Reset Option to NUL in case of running it multiples times Set Option= cls Echo. Echo. Echo Downloading Terminal Setup Software. Please Wait . . . :: Download the file from the web server Echo. "%FilesPath%\bin\wget.exe" -t 45 --progress=bar:force -nc %TFTermURL% & Echo. Echo Installing . . . :: Run it once downloaded "%FilesPath%\TelefloraTerminalInstall.exe" /S Echo. Echo Done. Echo. PAUSE GoTo MainMenu