#platform=x86, AMD64, or Intel EM64T #key --skip # System authorization information auth --useshadow --enablemd5 # System bootloader configuration #bootloader --location=mbr # Clear the Master Boot Record zerombr # Partition clearing information #clearpart --linux --initlabel --drives=sda # Use text mode install text # Firewall configuration #firewall --enabled --ssh --trust=eth0 # Run the Setup Agent on first boot firstboot --disable # System keyboard keyboard us # System language lang en_US # Installation logging level logging --level=info # Use network installation cdrom #harddrive --dir=/ --partition=sdc #url --url= # Network information network --bootproto=static --ip= --netmask= --gateway= --nameserver= --device=eth0 --onboot=on # Reboot after installation reboot #Root password rootpw --iscrypted $1$b2bDwXkz$ZpKi4Jx7tox779nrUdt8h1 # SELinux configuration selinux --permissive # Do not configure the X Window System skipx # System timezone timezone America/Chicago # Install OS instead of upgrade install # Disk partitioning information %include /tmp/fslayout %packages @Base #@Core samba cups #compat-libtermcap.x86_64 minicom elinks telnet mc glibc mutt samba-client slang #compat-libstdc++-33 curl sendmail glibc.i686 strace dvd+rw-tools dialog firstboot mtools cdrecord fetchmail net-snmp vlock sysstat ntp procps e2fsprogs audit expect ksh nmap uuid libuuid screen dos2unix unix2dos yum-presto ncurses-term boost biosdevname iptables-services perl-Digest perl-Digest-MD5 -chrony %end %pre DEVICE="" find_passport () { passport_device="" dev_names=(sda sdb sdc sdd sde) for thisdev in ${dev_names[@]} do # WD (Western Digital) is the vendor found=0 vendor_file="/sys/block/$thisdev/device/vendor" if [ -f $vendor_file ] then exec < $vendor_file while read line do if [[ $line =~ "WD" ]] then found=1 break fi done fi if [ $found -eq 0 ] then continue fi # ... AND Model is correct. # Note it is important to look at the model. Some shops # could have internal Western digital HDDs. If we were # to only look for "WD" drive, and not look for this particular # model, then, we could inadvertently use the "real" device # as the "backup" device, which would be catastrophic. model_file="/sys/block/$thisdev/device/model" if [ -f $model_file ] then exec < $model_file while read line do if [[ $line =~ "My Passport" ]] then found=1 break fi done fi if [ $found -eq 0 ] then continue fi # found a match passport_device="/dev/$thisdev" break done DEVICE=$passport_device } if [ -d "/sys/block" ] then find_passport fi if [ $DEVICE = "/dev/sda" -o \ $DEVICE = "/dev/sdb" -o \ $DEVICE = "/dev/sdc" -o \ $DEVICE = "/dev/sdd" -o \ $DEVICE = "/dev/sde" ] then # use separate virtual console for output VCON=3 exec < /dev/tty$VCON > /dev/tty$VCON 2>/dev/tty$VCON chvt $VCON echo echo "**********************************************************" echo 'Starting Teleflora Kickstart $Revision: 1.18 $' echo "**********************************************************" echo echo echo "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" echo "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" echo "!!!!" echo "!!!! ERROR! Passport Drive is plugged in as device $DEVICE." echo "!!!! Since the assumption is that the passport drive contains" echo "!!!! backup data and that data could be destroyed by the" echo "!!!! installation, the installation will not proceed." echo "!!!!" echo "!!!! Please unplug the Western Digital Passport device and" echo "!!!! then re-try this kickstart." echo "!!!!" echo "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" echo "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" echo echo echo "Sleeping for 10 seconds... and then rebooting." echo sleep 10 reboot fi # Partition Layout.... set $(list-harddrives) let numd=$#/2 d1=$1 d2=$3 if [ ! -z $d2 ] then # insert raid filesystem partitions echo "clearpart --all --initlabel --drives=sda,sdb">/tmp/fslayout echo "bootloader --location=mbr --driveorder=sda,sdb">>/tmp/fslayout echo "part raid.01 --ondisk=sda --asprimary --size=30000">>/tmp/fslayout echo "part raid.11 --ondisk=sda --asprimary --size=100 --grow">>/tmp/fslayout echo "part swap --ondisk=sda --asprimary --recommended">>/tmp/fslayout echo "">>/tmp/fslayout echo "part raid.02 --ondisk=sdb --asprimary --size=30000">>/tmp/fslayout echo "part raid.12 --ondisk=sdb --asprimary --size=100 --grow">>/tmp/fslayout echo "part swap --ondisk=sdb --asprimary --recommended">>/tmp/fslayout echo "">>/tmp/fslayout echo "">>/tmp/fslayout echo "raid / --level=RAID1 --device=md0 --fstype=xfs raid.01 raid.02">>/tmp/fslayout echo "raid /teleflora --level=RAID1 --device=md1 --fstype=xfs raid.11 raid.12">>/tmp/fslayout else # insert non-raid partitions echo "clearpart --all --initlabel --drives=sda">/tmp/fslayout echo "bootloader --location=mbr --driveorder=sda">>/tmp/fslayout echo "part / --ondisk=sda --asprimary --fstype=xfs --size=30000">>/tmp/fslayout echo "part /teleflora --ondisk=sda --asprimary --fstype=xfs --size=100 --grow">>/tmp/fslayout echo "part swap --ondisk=sda --asprimary --recommended">>/tmp/fslayout fi %end %post cat << xxxEOFxxx > /tmp/ksdaisy.sh #!/bin/bash LOG="/tmp/ksdaisy.sh.log" /tmp/ksdaisy_install.sh \$1 \$2 \$3 \$4 \$5 2>&1 | tee -a \$LOG xxxEOFxxx cat << xxxEOFxxx > /tmp/ksdaisy_install.sh #!/bin/bash # Script to run, just after a kickstart, which will start things rolling. CDROM="/dev/sr0" #CDROM="/dev/sdc1" if [ \$# -eq 0 ]; then echo "Below is the usage info. Please note only the hostname is required." echo "Usage ksdaisy.sh {hostname} {ipaddr} {dnsaddr} {gateway} {netmask}" exit 1 fi if [ "\$2" == "" ]; then new_ip="" else new_ip="\$2" fi if [ "\$3" == "" ]; then new_dns="" else new_dns="\$3" fi if [ "\$4" == "" ]; then new_gateway="" else new_gateway="\$4" fi if [ "\$5" == "" ]; then new_netmask="" else new_netmask="\$5" fi mount \$CDROM /mnt if [ \$? -eq 0 ]; then umount \$CDROM echo "CDROM mounting ok.....continuing" else echo "CDROM could not be mounted.....exiting" exit 1 fi ping -c 1 google.com if [ \$? -eq 0 ]; then echo "Internet connection working.....continuing" else echo "Internet connection down.....exiting" exit 1 fi echo "\`date\` -- Beginning Daisy Install \${1}.teleflora.com" >/tmp/verify.txt cd /tmp wget http://rtihardware.homelinux.com/ostools/ostools-1.15-latest.tar.gz tar xvfz ostools-1.15-latest.tar.gz ./bin/install-ostools.pl ./ostools-1.15-latest.tar.gz --noharden-linux /teleflora/ostools/bin/updateos.pl --ipaddr="\$new_ip" --gateway="\$new_gateway" --netmask="\$new_netmask" --hostname=\$1 service network restart sleep 4 /teleflora/ostools/bin/updateos.pl --nameserver="\$new_dns" ping -c 1 google.com if [ \$? -eq 0 ]; then echo "Internet connection working.....continuing" else echo "Internet connection down.....exiting" exit 1 fi systemctl disable firewalld systemctl enable iptables #subscription-manager register --activationkey=rhel7physical --org=4508688 /teleflora/ostools/bin/updateos.pl --sub-mgr-reg subscription-manager subscribe yum -y remove firewalld /teleflora/ostools/bin/harden_linux.pl --iptables mount \$CDROM /mnt cp /mnt/daisy_10.1.22_rhel7.iso /tmp #cp /etc/sysconfig/i18n /etc/sysconfig/i18n-orig #cp /mnt/redhat-i18n /etc/sysconfig/i18n cp /mnt/daisy7-mig.sh /tmp #cp /mnt/install_daisy6.pl /tmp #cp /mnt/*.service /etc/systemd/system umount /mnt #for x in {01..12} #do #systemctl enable getty@tty$x.service #done cd /tmp /teleflora/ostools/bin/updateos.pl --baremetal /teleflora/ostools/bin/updateos.pl --ospatches /teleflora/ostools/bin/updateos.pl --daisy8 mkdir /mnt/cdrom mount -o loop /tmp/daisy_10.1.22_rhel7.iso /mnt/cdrom cd /mnt/cdrom systemctl disable getty@tty1 ./install-daisy.pl /d/daisy cd /tmp #wget http://rtihardware.homelinux.com/support/install_daisy6.pl #chmod 777 /tmp/install_daisy6.pl #./install_daisy6.pl /d/daisy umount /mnt/cdrom mkdir /home/tfsupport/.ssh chmod 700 /home/tfsupport/.ssh chown tfsupport:daisy /home/tfsupport/.ssh wget http://rtihardware.homelinux.com/t1800/tfsupport-authorized_keys wget http://rtihardware.homelinux.com/t1800/twofactor-20090723.tar tar xvf /tmp/twofactor-20090723.tar chmod +x /tmp/*.pl cp /tmp/tfsupport-authorized_keys /home/tfsupport/.ssh/authorized_keys chmod 700 /home/tfsupport/.ssh/authorized_keys chown tfsupport:root /home/tfsupport/.ssh/authorized_keys rm -f /etc/cron.d/nightly-backup rm -f /tmp/rtibackup.pl echo "Installing Kaseya....." wget http://rtihardware.homelinux.com/support/KcsSetup.sh chmod +x /tmp/KcsSetup.sh /tmp/KcsSetup.sh /tmp/KcsSetup.sh echo "Installing base edir....." cd /tmp rm -f /tmp/edir_installbase.pl wget http://rtihardware.homelinux.com/daisy/edir_installbase.pl chmod +x /tmp/edir_installbase.pl wget http://rtihardware.homelinux.com/daisy/edir_base_latest.tar.gz /tmp/edir_installbase.pl /tmp/edir_base_latest.tar.gz echo "edir base installed....." cd /d/daisy ./rbl 20 cd /d/startup cd /tmp tar xvfz ./ostools-1.15-latest.tar.gz ./bin/install-ostools.pl ./ostools-1.15-latest.tar.gz echo "Enabling Virtual Consoles...." for x in {1..12} do systemctl enable getty@tty\$x.service done echo "\`date\` -- End Daisy Install \${1}.teleflora.com" >>/tmp/verify.txt # Verify /tmp/verify.sh echo "Remove the DVD from the drive" echo "Please reboot the system......ctl-alt-del" xxxEOFxxx cat << xxxEOFxxx > /tmp/dset.sh #!/usr/bin/expect spawn /tmp/delldset_v2.0.0.119_A00.bin expect "to proceed" send "q"; expect "of this license? (y/n):" send "y"; expect "to quit:" send "4" expect "new directory path:" send "\n"; expect "Create? (y/n):" send "y"; interact xxxEOFxxx if [[ ! -e /etc/profile.d/term.sh ]]; then cat << xxxEOFxxx > /etc/profile.d/term.sh unicode_stop xxxEOFxxx fi cat << xxxEOFxxx >> /tmp/verify.sh echo "--------------------">>/tmp/verify.txt echo "ifconfig results....">>/tmp/verify.txt ifconfig >>/tmp/verify.txt echo "--------------------">>/tmp/verify.txt echo "etc/hosts ....">>/tmp/verify.txt cat /etc/hosts >>/tmp/verify.txt echo "--------------------">>/tmp/verify.txt echo "etc/resolve.conf .....">>/tmp/verify.txt cat /etc/resolv.conf >>/tmp/verify.txt echo "--------------------">>/tmp/verify.txt echo "netstat results....">>/tmp/verify.txt netstat -rn >>/tmp/verify.txt echo "--------------------">>/tmp/verify.txt echo "etc/samba/smb.conf .....">>/tmp/verify.txt cat /etc/samba/smb.conf >>/tmp/verify.txt echo "--------------------">>/tmp/verify.txt echo "/etc/hosts.allow">>/tmp/verify.txt cat /etc/hosts.allow >>/tmp/verify.txt echo "--------------------">>/tmp/verify.txt mail -s \`hostname\` mgreen@teleflora.com,kpugh@teleflora.com,sjackson@teleflora.com